2018年3月9日 星期五

Add Trusted IP Addresses or Host Names to Tableau Server


切換到目錄 C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.5\bin).

輸入下面指令停止 Tableau Server:
tabadmin stop

tabadmin set wgserver.trusted_hosts "<trusted IP addresses or host names>"

In the command above, <trusted IP addresses> should be a comma-separated list of the IPv4 addresses or host names of your web server(s).

Note:  The values you specify completely overwrite any previous setting. Therefore, you must include the full list of hosts in the set command. (You cannot amend the list of hosts by running the set command repeatedly.)


tabadmin set wgserver.trusted_hosts ",,"

tabadmin set wgserver.trusted_hosts "webserv1, webserv2, webserv3"

The comma separated list should be in quotes, with one space after each comma.
The web servers you specify must use static IP addresses, even if you use host names (learn more).

If you have one or more proxy servers between the computer that is requesting the trusted ticket (one of those configured in step 2, above) and Tableau Server, you also need to add them as trusted gateways. See Configure a reverse proxy server for steps.

tabadmin config

最後再輸入下面指令啟動 Tableau Server:
tabadmin start

PS:如果等很久,建議把 Tableau Server 主機重開後再重跑上面步驟就可以了!^_^




cas server 一直圈圈或取得狀態異常

重點: cas server 不能開 VPN,會造成取的來源 dns 異常,會一直轉圈圈或等很久。